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(Provided by Beth Garvin)

History of The Eagle and Man

1  Opening:  CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME  (MC-Matthew Collins)

2  PRESENTATION OF COLORS:  Color Guard  ( Kyle Sandven)


4  M.C.:  [As a scout lights the red candle from the light of Scouting.]  The red of the flag is the lifeblood of brave men ready to die or worthily live for this, our country.

          [As a scout lights the white candle.]  The white of the flag is for purity, cleanliness of purpose, thought, word and deed.

          [As a scout lights the blue candle.] The blue of the flag is for faith and loyalty, like the eternal Blue of the star-filled heavens.

M.C. [As the Scout replaces the light of Scouting ] By authority vested in me as a representative of the Northeast Georgia Council and the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, I declare this court of honor to be duly convened


6 SCRIPTURE READING—Isaiah 40:31—(Steve Ridley)


M.C.: This afternoon we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing ROBERT C. GARVIN for the award of Eagle Scout.

The parents and Scout leaders of the Eagle candidate whom we honor today have labored long and faithfully to develop in him a high value of community service and citizenship through participation in the Boy Scouts of America. Their efforts culminate this evening in the presentation of the Eagle Award. The success of these efforts, however, will only be manifest in the way this Eagle Scout himself sets a social pattern for those whose lives he touches.

Honor guard, please escort before this court of honor, Eagle candidate
ROBERT C. GARVIN, where he will be prepared to receive the highest rank conferred by the Boy Scouts of America, that of Eagle Scout.

[The honor guard, composed of Eagle Scouts will escort the Eagle candidate to the front of the room, near the American flag, and will leave him facing the audience.)

8  VOICE OF EAGLE:  ( ED BRANNEN, Robert’s First Den Leader and mentor throughout his Scouting life)

I am the eagle. Since the beginning of time, man has used me and my brothers as a symbol of royalty, power, victory, authority, and valor. My strength and courage have inspired men through the ages.

Ancient man looked upon me as an inveterate enemy of serpents. They saw the battle between the sun and clouds as battles between an eagle and a serpent.

The ancient Assyrians associated me with Ashur, the great sun god. I was held in awe and worshipped for my majestic beauty.

In India and Babylon I was the symbol of fire, of wind and storms, and the bringer of immortality.

In the golden age of Greece, I was a symbol of victory and supreme spiritual energy. I was the sacred bird of Zeus, the ruler of all gods. The Greeks represented me with wings out-stretched holding a serpent in my claws. Thus, I represented the triumph of good over evil.

In Rome, I was the symbol of Jupiter, the supreme god. The Romans saw me as the symbol of victory. As the Roman legions conquered the world, they marched under the standard of the eagle, with outstretched wings. The silver eagle was the symbol of the republic and the Roman Empire used the golden eagle as its symbol. I became the personal emblem of the Caesars, representing supreme authority.

The rise of Christianity brought me still more honor. To the early Christians, the eagle was the symbol of ascension. This was due to the strong flight of the eagle with its gaze fixed on the sun. In early icons I was best known as the symbol of St. John the Evangelist.

The Aztec tribe of the Classical Era in what is now Mexico sighted me capturing a rattlesnake. They took this as a sign to settle at that place which ultimately became Mexico City. Today my image stands showing this event on the Great Seal of the modern nation of Mexico and on the nation's flag. In Mexico I did not just witness history in the making, but I helped to cause history.

In the nineteenth century, French troops under Napoleon conquered Europe under the symbol of the eagle. Many French soldiers gave their lives to protect the golden eagle which supported the French flag on the battleground.

On June 20, 1782, I became the symbol of a new country. Because of my courage and beauty, I was chosen to symbolize the new United States of America. The eagle became a prominent feature of the seal of state of the new republic.

From this early beginning, I have been used in many ways to symbolize the ideals of this country. Several states have the eagle on their state flags. You can find me on the coins of America from the beginning to present day.

I have a prominent place in America as in ancient Rome as a symbol of power and authority. The emblems of the President, vice-president, several members of the President's cabinet, and most branches of the armed forces center on the eagle.

From the god of the Assyrians to the symbol of the Caesars to the emblem of this country, it was thus fitting that the eagle should have a part in the most momentous achievement of man. The Apollo 11 crew chose Eagle as the name for the lunar module which was to make history. And with the words of Eagle Scout Neil Armstrong, "Houston, Tranquility Base here.  The Eagle has landed" -- man was on the moon.

In 1911, following tradition as old as man himself, the Boy Scouts of America chose the eagle to symbolize the very highest in achievement. Through all of history, I have been the symbol of man's best; now the eagle is the symbol of Scouting's best.

9 THE TRAIL TO EAGLE:  (ART SEAY, Robert’s first Scoutmaster):

To earn the highest rank in Scouting, a Scout must spend a great deal of time and effort. Therefore, the occasion that recognizes his accomplishments should be memorable. Today, we shall follow The Trail to Eagle as we recognize the accomplishments of ROBERT GARVIN.

When a boy becomes a Boy Scout there is within him something that we call the spirit of Scouting. This single lighted candle before you represents that spirit. Because the spirit of Scouting embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and Law, it becomes a shining beacon of inspiration. After a boy enters Scouting, the Scout Law that he promises to obey begins to guide his life. There are 12 parts; each is an important foundation in the building of strong character.

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

In the Scout Oath the young Scout promises upon his honor to do his best to do his duty, first to God and his country; second, to other people, by helping them at all times; and third, to himself, by keeping himself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. You will see how the light from the spirit of Scouting begins to grow and become brighter.

Now, in the distance, looms the hazy outlines of Eagle summit, flanked by the lesser peaks that represent the Star and Life ranks. To the new Scout they are very far away, but they will come a lot closer as the light from the spirit of Scouting continues to spread. The Scout begins as a Tenderfoot,

(A Tenderfoot Scout lights the candle in front of the Tenderfoot symbol.) 1

The Tenderfoot badge is the first rank a Scout receives. It stands at the foot of the Eagle Trail. Once inspired by the spirit of Scouting, he won't stay a Tenderfoot very long. Putting a few simple achievements behind him, he will shortly climb to the rank of Second Class.

(A Second Class Scout lights the candle in front of the Second Class symbol.)

The requirements for Second Class become more difficult. A Scout must learn to be self sufficient in the outdoors and continue to render service to others. Now the Scout is ready for the challenge to attain First Class.

(A First Class Scout lights the candle in front of the First Class symbol.)

Although the requirements become more difficult, he keeps climbing until finally comes the day when he tops the first summit along the Eagle Trail. There he receives his First Class Badge.

(A Star Scout lights the candle in front of the Star symbol.)

A broad field of merit badges awaits the First Class Scout. More than 100 merit badges guide the Scout to explore careers, hobbies, and community interest items. The Scout needs but a total of six merit badges to conquer the Star Scout summit. Probably a lot sooner than he thought possible, the Scout finds himself standing on Star ridge. Thus, through leadership, service, and achievement, he conquers the first of three great peaks along the Eagle Trail.

(A Life Scout lights the candle in front of the Life symbol.)

The trail to the next summit, Life Scout peak, isn't easy. There is leadership to demonstrate, service to others, and plenty of hard work in mastering five additional merit badges and helping fellow Scouts. The higher the Scout climbs, the fewer travelers he meets along the trail. Yet there are no impossible barriers along the way. This Life Scout's goal can be achieved, but it takes real effort.

(An Eagle Scout lights the candle in front of the Eagle symbol.)

While the rank of Life Scout is a coveted one, and deserving to all who obtain it, the Eagle Trail doesn’t end there; it leads on toward a higher summit. The pathway narrows and becomes considerably steeper as it winds along ledges of personal achievement and mountain pastures [bg1] of troop accomplishment. Mile by mile, the trail becomes more trying. Many challenges must be conquered in these last miles. Before the highest summit along the Eagle Trail can be completed, additional merit badges must be earned. Some of them are very difficult and leadership and service to others are not forgotten. Only with the greatest persistence and courage can the Scout gain the thrill of victory that comes while looking back down the trail, from the very top of the Eagle summit.

 Eagle candidate
ROBERT C. GARVIN, you are to be congratulated for reaching the highest peak of the Eagle Trail; your diligence and hard work have paid off. If you will come forward, your Eagle Badge of rank will be presented.


In a moment, William Rambow, your former Scoutmaster, will confer upon you the award of Eagle Scout. However, I am sure you will agree that some special persons should be accorded the privilege of standing with you and in some measure sharing these high honors.

Honor guard, please escort the parents of the Eagle candidate to his [left]side.

[Honor guard escorts the parents to front.  Parents take places on the Eagle candidate’s left side.]

M.C  Mr. Rambow, will you please come and stand to Robert’s right.  Mr. William Rambow will present the Eagle Award.


MR. RAMBOW: [You have the option of speaking informally for a few minutes about the Eagle Award or the Eagle candidate. You should speak from a position near Robert. You conclude your remarks with the following sentence.]

ROBERT C. GARVIN, it is with distinct honor and pleasure that I present you with the Eagle Award.

MR RAMBOW passes the badge to BETH to pin on her son.]

MR. RAMBOW No one will ever know the unnumbered acts of self-sacrifice and helpfulness from the mother of this Eagle Scout which have led us to this day. As the symbol of what this mother has made possible, the court now asks ROBERT C. GARVIN to present to his mother a miniature Eagle pin.

[MR. RAMBOW gives pin to ROBERT who then pins it on his mother.]

MR. RAMBOW--In addition, your father has stood by you over the years and has offered his encouragement and assistance. As the symbol of what he has contributed to your attainment of this award, the court now asks you to present him a miniature Eagle Dad tie tack.

MR. RAMBOW gives it to Robert who then pins it on Bob’s tie.]

MR. RAMBOW- In recognition of fatherly advice and guidance along the trail to Eagle, I ask BOB GARVIN, father, now to present his son with the Eagle Scout certificate and personal letter from the Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America.

MR. RAMBOW gives them both Bob Garvin].

[BOB GARVIN then reads the letter aloud and presents them both to the Eagle.]

[Bob and Beth return to their seats.]

MC: ROBERT C. GARVIN, you are now about to join the ranks of Eagle Scouts. Before doing so, however, we ask you to recommit yourself to Scouting's essential principles. RICK McCollum, Scoutmaster during the middle years of Robert’s Boy Scouting will assist by delivering the Eagle charge.

EAGLE CHARGE:  (RICK McCollum) would all the Eagle Scouts in the audience please stand.

ROBERT C. GARVIN, I have the honor to give you the Eagle charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting.

The Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history. You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America of being worthy of the highest rank in this great movement. All who know you rejoice in your achievement.

Your position, as you know, is one of
honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to country, to your fellow Scouts, and to mankind in general. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations, you bring honor to yourself and to your brother Scouts.

America has many good things to give you and your children. But these good things depend for the most part on the quality of her citizens. Our country has had a great past and you can help make the future even greater.

I charge you
, ROBERT, to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and to your fellowman. So live and serve, so that those who know you will be inspired to finer living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and to gain selfish ends. I charge you, ROBERT, to be among those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good.

Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and
reverence for God; and whatever others may do, you will leave behind a record of which every other Scout may be justly proud.

Robert C. Garvin, you will now rededicate yourself by repeating the Scout Oath. Repeat it slowly, as you stand before the three lighted candles representing the three parts of the Scout Oath. Resolve to maintain the perseverance that has brought you this far.

RICK McCollum ---On my honor  

ROBERT GARVIN ---On my honor –                        

RICK McCALLUM ---I will do my best –

ROBERT GARVIN---I will do my best

RICK McCALLUM ---to do my duty –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN---to do my duty –

RICK McCALLUM ---to God and my country –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN--- to God and my country

RICK McCALLUM ---and to obey the Scout Law.

ROBERT GARVIN ---and to obey the Scout Law.

RICK McCALLUM --- To help other people at all times –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN ---To help other people at all times –

RICK McCALLUM --- to keep myself physically strong –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN ---to keep myself physically strong –

RICK McCALLUM ---mentally awake –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN ---mentally awake –

RICK McCALLUM ---and morally straight.

                              ROBERT GARVIN ---and morally straight.

RICK McCALLUM Your conduct along the trail has been excellent. You have rededicated yourself to the principles of Scouting, but one more thing is important: Your future.

As an Eagle Scout, you become a guide to other Scouts of lower rank. You become an example in your community. Remember that your actions are now a little more conspicuous and people will expect more of you.
To falter in your responsibility would not only reflect upon you, but on your fellow Eagles and all Scouting. The torch you carry is not only yours, but is ours also.

Robert, I challenge you to enter this Eagle brotherhood, holding ever before you, without reservation, the ideals of honor and service. By the repetition of the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow members, you will become an Eagle Scout. Though the words you use are similar to those by which you joined Scouting, they will mean more now than they could have meant at any time in the past. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout, with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence. Eagle Scouts, please stand. ROBERT C. GARVIN, Scout sign. Repeat after me:

RICK McCALLUM ---"I reaffirm my allegiance –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN---"I reaffirm my allegiance –

RICK McCALLUM --- to the three promises of the Scout Oath

ROBERT GARVIN--- to the three promises of the Scout                          Oath

RICK McCALLUM ---I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself –

ROBERT GARVIN---I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself

RICK McCALLUM --- the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout –

ROBERT GARVIN the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout –

RICK McCALLUM --- On my honor –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN--- On my honor –

RICK McCALLUM --- I will do my best –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN--- I will do my best –

RICK McCALLUM ---to make my training an example –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN---to make my training an example

RICK McCALLUM ---my rank and my influence –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN---my rank and my influence

RICK McCALLUM ---count strongly –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN---count strongly –

RICK McCALLUM --- for better Scouting –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN--- for better Scouting

RICK McCALLUM ---and for better citizenship –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN---and for better citizenship –

RICK McCALLUM --- in my troop –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN--- in my troop

RICK McCALLUM ---and in my community –

                                       ROBERT GARVIN---and in my community

RICK McCALLUM --- and in my contacts with other people –

ROBERT GARVIN--- and in my contacts with other people –

RICK McCALLUM--- to this I pledge my sacred honor."

                  ROBERT GARVIN--- to this I pledge my sacred honor."

RICK McCALLUM--- Scouts, please be seated. By the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my privilege and pleasure to pronounce you an Eagle Scout. May the oath you have taken remain graven on your heart forever.

MC:  Robert you may now take this opportunity to make your remarks.

Robert C. Garvin Eagle Remark’s: 

MC:  Now we would like to take few minutes for Robert’s Scoutmasters to make some appropriate remarks.

SCOUTMASTERS’ MINUTE: Art Seay, Rick McCallum, William Rambow, and Mathew Collins

BENEDICTION: Pastor Dale Sillik

RETIRING OF COLORS:  Color Guard (Kyle Sandven)


 MC: I now declare this Eagle Court of Honor closed. I ask the members of the court and all Eagle Scouts present to be the first to congratulate ROBERT C. GARVIN, Scouting's newest Eagle Scout. Following this, everyone will have the opportunity to do so as we have a reception here in the Fellowship Hall.
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Last update: 10/10/2004